Sunday, November 13, 2005

un-busy day

Asleep for five hours, I awake more alert than on many of the mornings in the past month. Then I get the great idea to rearrange my apartment. I think it served as a wonderful excuse to clean; I like cleaning.

Next I got outside for a little while. Running Room, Sunday, 08h30, short run. I tagged along with a 5-KM clinic on an off-day jog through the park. Hooray for fresh air! And exercise!

After I got the impact and cardio my body was screaming for, I moved most of my furniture. Surprise! I do have space for a "kitchen table" in my apartment. Following my grocery shopping I wanted to check when my date was to arrive.

I know things can happen to interfere with plans, but this feels too much like flaking out. Last week (or was it two weeks ago) I progressed to a calendar entry--only to not be telephoned on that day. So, silly me, I seek her in person to set something up for the weekend.

I'm really happy I made that phone call. I can't use the phrase "stood up" unless I have already left. And I made the most of that situation when it happened last summer.