Wednesday, September 28, 2005

three steps



I worry that the idea excites me more than her. I worry more than that what if I can't tell what the answer is for myself.

Open. Communicate. Learn to be affectionate.


i want to

but it seems so foreign
what I have never before done
for the intimacy is new
but new it shall not remain

I want contact here
I want to feel more
But once I am near
I react and withdraw.

Not this time.


Sunday, September 25, 2005


Time tends to pass by
While I pause alone
To accomplish one
thing or two today.

Then a crunch occurs
And I am so lost
That I feel quite good
wandering in our world.


Friday, September 23, 2005


Really I was just taping the show two nights in a row. No production and no editing in the future.

It was lots of fun and raised some ideas that I wanted to think about.

Hey, it is already tomorrow.


Tuesday, September 20, 2005



  • out to the lake to watch some rowing
  • marshall Terry Fox route
  • audition LMT

  • too busy to remember. It began by seeing friends on the bus and meeting a tailor.

  • I said hi. Well, no I really said nice hat. What are my odds that you are reading this?

    Is one competition enough? I hope so. I doubt that I can handle the prep work for the other.

    Sunday, September 18, 2005


    Kind of like a cannonball did I enter the theatre today. Tired and vocally cold did I sign up. But, and this is the part I care about over and above the result, I was not asked to speak up and my rhythm was better than my pitch matching.

    Of course I can justify that by saying rhythm is what I have worked on this summer (remember the self-motivation, walking to music stuff?). But the former. . .

    I was in a large theatre. Me and a piano making noise. Me stopping throughout from losing my place or self-doubt making me wonder if I was on the correct verse. But: I WAS LOUD ENOUGH.

    Good show!


    Friday, September 16, 2005

    love that audition feeling

    And not because it is all "good" either. What it does, the audition experience, I mean, is get me up in front of people doing stuff. That is good. Otherwise I am in the audience. By trying out I can see where I am at, how comfortable I feel, and improve myself and my performance for the future.


    Thursday, September 15, 2005


    On less sleep than usual, I woke up before my alarm and my current test of consciousness tells me that I am very awake (mentally).

    What gives? And how can I feel awake?


    Wednesday, September 14, 2005


    Progress and a compliment already -- and my week is but half spent. Progress in recognition of social patterns. Compliment from a professor.

    And back to Step I. Basic stuff is good.


    Tuesday, September 13, 2005

    inside outside

    Everything I do feels the same. Different people in conversation, but the same sensations on my end. I don't want to jar myself because I think this is a good thing right now. I want some responsibility. I will take it on, myself. I do not need it from others. But I shall try to take some from others. Totally optional.


    Monday, September 12, 2005

    new patterns emerge

    I am slowly piecing together my weekly schedule. And my life. And figuring out what I want.

  • to help others
  • to feel wanted
  • to accomplish with both mind and body

    Friday, September 09, 2005

    Word games: earn points

    Credit to whomever first directs me to the study referred to by the following:

    Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelms. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.

    my source


    carnival rides

    All that stuff about growing up is kind of a lie. Fun was climbing through the inflated obstacle course. Fun was letting people dance in the spotlight. Fun was watching others have fun.

    Now, I must return to a schedule. I like schedules. I often wish they were filled with more fun stuff.

    But I did get to one of the campus art galleries yesterday. I found it enjoyable to experience the exhibit. The meaning I found in it was directing me back to high school experiences. Things I found fascinating then came back to flood my mind. My break from the present lasted not even ten minutes.

    It was enough.

    And then I was able to help out a the night event. Helping out is usually fun. Only when I became really hungry and tired did I want to stop. In reality, I was just looking for a break. Then it was back to the fun.

    Fun. Fun. Fun.


    Wednesday, September 07, 2005

    up and running

    OK... so I may bother to change a course this term. 8:30am is a little tougher than I remember it. And this is coming from a person who got up around 6am to record move-in for oweek.

    I suppose I will skip the only stretch class being offered for a couple months to go check out another class.

    Today I plan to:
  • drop off the final summer job app for Toronto
  • hit up one or both art galleries on campus
  • compose some aggressive letters towards the administration
  • order printouts for some more class readings. Ten pages per day per class isn't really so bad. At least, it wouldn't be so bad if it didn't look like microfiche. Good thing I did not try printing 2-up ! *That* would be ugly.

    Yesterday I accomplished:
  • dropping most applications at career services
  • obtaining a regular time slot. You'll hear me on concert calendars Wednesday and Thursday this fall.
  • oh yeah, I also went to my first three lectures

    Friday, September 02, 2005

    lots of running around

    So, I'm later than I wanted to be. Thankfully my penalty is a line-up, as I have not missed the deadline. I'm spending much too much time on campus, but this is probably a good way to start the year. Mock dedication?

    There is so much to look forward to next week. Many people to see, many people to meet for the first time, and a great deal of catching-up.

    But for now, it is a calm before ... well... I can't really say before the storm because I don't want a storm. I just want to be very busy with lots of fun stuff to do. And I'm going to start out with the really fun stuff--and ensure it only gets better as time goes on!


    Thursday, September 01, 2005


    Fun time taping training this morning.

    Then too much time on applications that are too far into the future for jobs I think are too far a stretch for me to fit. It is something about independence I suspect.