Sunday, January 21, 2007

an interesting day ahead

Upcoming is:

  • course evaluations
  • lecture
  • solid essay writing time
  • if essay writing goes very well, then learn a little about love
  • more essay time, needed or not (yeah right if "not")
  • first meeting (publicity)
  • second meeting (learn some new tricks)
  • third meeting (learn some new moves)

Phew... this is going to be a big day! Love starting a week out like this... so much energy and so many friends around me.


Sunday, January 07, 2007

overload of pages

Some many pages glaring at me
I want to read each and every
But as I begin one page again
Then I see a distraction

At the start I am focused
At the end I am, too
But after a third sentence
I find my mind has drifted

So many ideas scurrying around
Ink droplets her and there
I will learn this, I declare
As I cringe for an outmoded noun