Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Yay. Normal bedtime

I just had a good, normal night. I was tired at a fair time, a couple hours after dark. I went to sleep then instead of half a day later. I woke up eight hours later.

My eating is fine. My exercise is almost sufficient.
Being productive is next on my list.


Monday, August 29, 2005

Looking for want

from others.
for things to make


Friday, August 26, 2005

nothing more to do

I hope the studying was worth it.

Now to fix up the apartment. By that I mean reorganize, sort my piles of paper, and vacuum.

And a week to enjoy the sunshine.


Thursday, August 25, 2005

sun-powered human

I feel that way when I get outside in the sun. Tomorrow will be a day of focus and physical practice. Friday is game day. Then I can go shopping... I wonder if a suit-styled tux would be able to handle double-duty?

Weee, outside walking. Made it as far as bike ride #1 last summer. Short and sweet. Ahhh, sweet.


Tuesday, August 23, 2005

the great outdoors

So after hiding away from the world for a couple of days I went for a short walk. I came across a friend, said hi, and went on my way back home. Then I met someone new in my building. Hooray, a new friend.

I've just *got* to do that more often.


Blogger watermelonseeds said...

Regenerating tree stumps are cool. I'd leave a comment, but you don't seem to have that option turned on. I'll keep checking back.

For now my comment is: Great story telling!

10:52 AM  


I look for it in all the wrong places. It is not my environment. It is not my dress. It is not my task.

It is my attitude.

Right... so I kind of knew that. Which leads me to ask
How do I pick an attitude?
How do I try it on for size?
And How do I make it stick if I like the result?


Monday, August 22, 2005

slowly recovering

1. bedtime is important
2. physical activity is important
3. human contact is beneficial
4. procrastination must be defeated
5. at least I am doing something, even if right now I am merely identifying a problem and corrective course of action.

Need an agenda book. Should go shopping for some other stuff, too.


Sunday, August 21, 2005

and on your right, London

All set up. All ready to try out a new life. I don't know what the difference will be. First thing up, adjust to life away from home. A few months at home is long enough to adapt. Now I must change back. Change in reverse. Only I know I am not going to revert but, instead, reach a new state. Moving forward.


Thursday, August 18, 2005

the suburban mall

Talk about a wasteland of folks. We wander endlessly, wearily, wanting it all to be over.


Wednesday, August 17, 2005

what a date

We walked and talked last night. Got to know each other some more. Now it is travel time, and we'll separate. I'm no stranger to this... living at home sometimes and at school the rest of the time.

Still, I wish I could stay in one place for a bit longer.

I better study real hard or that may not be my choice!


Monday, August 15, 2005

Long phone calls

followed by afternoon walks make me excited. Now, I am not yet excited but am certain to become. That is how I am. Soon enough it will count. And since I don't know where I stand elsewhere it is tough to know what to feel. Guilt. Relief.

A new friend and the barrage of questions barely began.
That is because courtrooms make a good distraction.

But first a day to reminisce.


Friday, August 12, 2005

setting my own schedule

Now it is up to me to decide when to do what. No more rules for a few weeks. Time to get in a lot of reading, and physical work.


final day for summer day job

It's been interesting thus far. Now, my final working day, I begin with a couple tasks. Won't be hard to avoid additional tasks. But, fitting some time in to chat with everybody will take a lot of discipline.

Hey, that's what I have been practicing all summer. Easy.


Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Riding High

Found myself all alone
With something to do
Sought out some more
And got the toughest of all

But practice is good
Especially when I listen
For talk is worth much
And I did share


a long day

work: Hooray! Five pages of arguments to proof tomorrow.
work out:Self-motivation is still alive and kicking. But I may be too sore to do any kicking for a couple more days :)
email: How does one make small talk, virtually? Let me count the ways.
peer pressure: I suppose succumbing to install MSN7 is not so bad. I could be racing or something.


Sunday, August 07, 2005

run around the cube

What a great sweat. Running in circles, following the little ball, trying to make a good stroke in return. Wow. I feel I need to do that more often. Only five hours to recovery. I think that says a lot about the little aerobic work that I have been doing this past month. Imagine if I had not been "practicing" as often. Even a couple times each week is enough.

And the wonderous sleep I have been enjoying. Eight hours is *nice* and is even better when repeated.


Friday, August 05, 2005

patents go against logic

At least I get to think about while relaxing on the weekend. I'm happy the week was good. Not much accomplished, yet, I must have done more than I realize. Now I am looking forward to playing squash, maybe with an evening run... but only if I can't keep up while maintaining contact with the ground.


Thursday, August 04, 2005

aerobic burn

I got used to muscular burn some time ago. Push through discomfort (but not pain) and expect some soreness the next day.

Now I found a quick method: airbike. Remember that cold air throat "burn" on your first winter run? I can now reproduce the sensation in the summer.


Wednesday, August 03, 2005


It's nice to hear back from people you are trying to get to know. I liked being welcomed at the study group this evening. Walking home was nice, too. My cooking advice was solicited.

I like helping. I like solving problems. Hmmm.....


Monday, August 01, 2005

New Walking Route

Oh, yeah. If you've run with me then you know I really like going uphill. Today I tried walking one third of my favourite hill route from years past. First down, then up, with flatter land toward the start/finish.