Saturday, November 26, 2005


I'm tired. This getting stood-up thing is tiring. People not returning
emails is annoying. People not returning phone calls is annoying.

I think I understand. It is all about living one's own life. Trouble is,
I'd like it not to be mine alone--or rather--not to be living it alone.
Thus, I care.


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

slowly waking

Wow. I'm doing a good job at pretending to function on four hours of sleep. I am pretty certain that:
1. it'll hit me on my way to the squash court
2. it'll affect my going to meet some new people this afternoon
3. I still won't get to bed early enough to recover for the legal education seminar for which I registered to attend Wednesday.


that other feeling

I put in a really full day today. I got to start and finish the day with friends. In between, I saw acquaintances, swam, and attended my lecture.

A good day. Hopefully, and with much self-discipline, I will make it through tomorrow and catch up on my sleep!


Monday, November 21, 2005

long week is a busy week

So much going on, I actually lost track of it all this morning. I'm not sure that has ever happened to me before.

I like to plan. I feel comfortable knowing--having one possible future--already mapped out. All I have to do is get there and that reality will be waiting foor me.


Wednesday, November 16, 2005

time well spent

Class and related academics are taking very little of my time. In fact, they seem to get in the way of everything that I do to keep myself busy. I wonder how that concept would translate into the real world(tm).

Take tomorrow for example. My morning is empty, then a leadership seminar, then the gym, then my own lecture, then visiting a friend's lecture. It's a night class. I think I will bring both cookies and popcorn. That way we can decidto eat on the spot.

Time to figure out how the computer thing will work, too.
Suffice that I say: bad courier, bad bad courier.
I want my package NOW, not next week once I get around to phoning you to "fix" the address. Buzz the building super. It's not that hard!

Thankfully, all my fights are little.


Sunday, November 13, 2005

un-busy day

Asleep for five hours, I awake more alert than on many of the mornings in the past month. Then I get the great idea to rearrange my apartment. I think it served as a wonderful excuse to clean; I like cleaning.

Next I got outside for a little while. Running Room, Sunday, 08h30, short run. I tagged along with a 5-KM clinic on an off-day jog through the park. Hooray for fresh air! And exercise!

After I got the impact and cardio my body was screaming for, I moved most of my furniture. Surprise! I do have space for a "kitchen table" in my apartment. Following my grocery shopping I wanted to check when my date was to arrive.

I know things can happen to interfere with plans, but this feels too much like flaking out. Last week (or was it two weeks ago) I progressed to a calendar entry--only to not be telephoned on that day. So, silly me, I seek her in person to set something up for the weekend.

I'm really happy I made that phone call. I can't use the phrase "stood up" unless I have already left. And I made the most of that situation when it happened last summer.


something old; something new

Going around campus yesterday I did not feel like the usual ghost. Instead, I got to help give the tour. All the while, the calm that has entered my life remained. That is what is old--my feelings.

But last night I tried going out. A double-birthday party for friends followed by an evening on the town. A few of us were literally on the town, or sidewalk, as it turned out. But I got to meet new people, turn them into friends, while enjoying being outside.

I may try doing that more often. Up until the final little while I actually had fun. Plus, my bedtime did stay about the same as the previous night. Just a little icing on the cake, though I am sure not as sweet or nice as that which I, with one of my new friends, used to decorate the birthday cake.

Preparing food is a bonding experience.

There could even be two quotes of the night. First, poking fun at myself. Q1:How did you and Marilyn meet? A1:Eavesdropping on her [in line]. Second, "every way is the right way to [our mutual friend's place]". That sounds so guilty out of context.


Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Two for me. One to do for the group. Then on to the fun stuff. And after that, I will have a chance to catch up.

Do people really have that clothing laying around, waiting for an excuse to costume? Or do they dress up often for one another's sake?

Contrast too cute with an outfit I could not tell was for fun. Something about that girl--I needed to hear the title of the costume before contemplating that it wasn't her regular garb.

With the dress-fun fun over I am onto to dressing-up. How in this world can I learn style and fashion?